Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is all set to create a record on Monday during his visit to Hathras. He will become the first Chief Minister in the history of the state who has visited all 75 districts of the state in just 16-month of his government's rule.
When he had assumed the charge on March 19 last year, Yogi Adityanath had announced that his priority would be to visit each and every district of the state to speed up overall development of Uttar Pradesh and ensure that benefits of the schemes launched by the Centre and his government reach to the last persons of the state.
On Sunday, he had visited Etah where he had laid foundation stones of Rs 253 crore development and welfare schemes. It was the 74th districts in his whirlwind tour of the state.
On Monday, the Chief Minister is visiting Hathras, the 75th and the last district of the state, to lay foundation stones of 34 development schemes worth Rs 155 crore.
During his visit to every districts, the Chief Minister launched welfare and development schemes worth several crores to ensure that each district gets its dues.
“With his visit to Hathras, the Chief Minister will become the first Head of the government to cover the entire state within a short span of only 16 months. In the past, no other Chief Minister has ever visited all 75 districts in the state even in five years of their rule,” claimed a senior official in the CM’s Secretariat.
There are few districts which Yogi Adiyanath visited three to five and more times, including his hometown Gorakhpur and Varanasi, the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On an average, Yogi Adityanth undertook five visits to new districts every month during his 16-month rule.
On more than one occasion, the Prime Minister Narencdra Modi has also lauded his dedication and commitment to scale up process of development in Uttar Pradesh.
Besides launching a drive against criminals to improve law and order, Yogi Adityanath has brought an investment of Rs 60,000 crore in the state within five months after holding UP Investors’ Summit in February. The PM will launch these projects on July 29 in Lucknow.
from Daily News & Analysis https://ift.tt/2myz1NQ
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